In Good Faith
In Good Faith
16: Mo Morals Mo Problems
On today’s show, Chong and Dan start by explaining our absence (there’s a good reason!) and sharing our resolutions for 2021. We then get into the realm of philosophy by exploring how one can resolve moral dilemmas. After a quick visit to the Enlightenment, we explore two well-known approaches to moral thinking, utilitarianism and deontological ethics. Finally, we apply them to a case study involving COVID-19 vaccines. How do they help us to think through the issues, what are their weaknesses, and what does Christianity have to say about moral dilemmas?
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Show notes
2021 resolutions (02:10)
The Wisdom Pyramid
Morality and the Da Vinci Problem (5:55)
- Da Vinci the Renaissance man… and grave robber
- Concept of moral distance
Moral dilemmas (10:09)
- A situation when two or more moral principles are (seemingly) at odds
- Examples: “Does my butt look big in this?”, the Trolley problem, Twitter and Facebook banning Trump
Trolley problem - Wikipedia
Dan presents: The Enlightenment (19:59)
- Enlightenment TL;DR - reason and science
- Observing and classifying the natural world, bringing this to the moral world
Utilitarianism (aka consequentialism) (28:33)
- Whatever action that will maximise human happiness is the ethical one
- Examples and problems - The Organ Donor
Deontological ethics (40:06)
- Whatever you do, only live by the rules which can be expanded to become universal laws
- Examples and problems - The Nazi at the Door
Deontological Ethics
Case study: COVID-19 vaccines (46:15)
- Leading vaccines were made with the assistance of cell lines original obtained from aborted human foetuses
- What moral principles should guide our attitude and actions?
The Covid Vaccine And Abortion Pt1 - When Good And Evil Intertwine
The Covid Vaccine And Abortion Pt 2 - Guiding Attitudes And Defining The Problem
The Covid Vaccine And Abortion Pt 3 - Guiding Attitudes And Defining The Problem
The Christian perspective (57:52)
- Our world is broken, which gives rise to both moral dilemmas and imperfect solutions (Ecclesiastes 8:14, Job 14:1-2)
- Christians nevertheless have a positive duty to act out of costly, self-giving love (Colossians 3:17)
- Everything is under God’s control and the brokenness in the world will one day be redeemed and restored (Revelation 21:1-14)
Conclusion (1:02:49)
- The Christian worldview is sober-minded about the challenge of moral dilemmas
- Nevertheless, we must wrestle with moral dilemmas and live as best we can under God’s rule