In Good Faith

10: Witness, Work and Worship (with John McClean)

Chong Shao, Daniel Shih

On today’s show, Chong and Dan continue their interview with John McClean. We discuss what it means for Christians to "transform" our culture and use Chong's work as a case study. Finally, using the Benedict Option book as a launching point, we discuss what it looks like for Christians to live and worship in a secularising world.

John is Vice Principal of Christ College (in Sydney, NSW) and teaches in the areas of Christian Thought focusing on Systematic Theology and Ethics. He is the convenor of the Gospel, Society and Culture (GS&C) Committee of the Presbyterian Church of NSW and he writes a regular ethics column in the Pulse, the PCNSW magazine. For more information on the GS&C, visit:

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Show notes

Theology of culture (7:10)

  • Abraham Kuyper's view - Christians are to bring every sphere of society under the sovereignty of God
  • Competing notions - "transform" and "redeem" vs bless and witness

Applying a Christian lens to work (22:03)

  • How Chong thinks of his job (Privacy Consultant) as a Christian
  • Implications of Christian worldview and practice on our work

Christian living and worship (44:13)

  • The Benedict Option book and its prescriptions - personal conversion, spiritual discipline, regular habits and intentional communities
  • Importance of embodied and embedded Christian living