In Good Faith
In Good Faith
2: Motivated Reasoning
On today's show Chong and Dan use the COVID-19 situation as a springboard to talk about a very important concept in philosophy and psychology: motivated reasoning. What is it, when does it become a problem, what does the Bible say about it, and how can we combat it in our own lives? (Note: this episode was recorded before the protests that have occurred in the aftermath of George Floyd's killing in the United States. We refer to earlier protests against the coronavirus shelter-in-place orders.)
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Show notes
Definition of motivated reasoning (1:34)
Examples from our personal lives (7:41)
Example from the church (13:24)
Why is motivated reasoning bad? (20:40)
- Living by lies or not living in truth
- Justifies sinful behaviour
What does the Bible say? (30:26)
- Our thinking became futile and our hearts became darkened (Romans 1:21)
- The heart is deceitful above all things (Jeremiah 17:9)
- To suit our own desires and satisfy our itching ears (2 Timothy 4:3)
How can we combat motivated reasoning? (34:30)
- Awareness, humility, advice, empathy, pursuing truth (even when it’s uncomfortable)