In Good Faith

13: Let's Talk About Trump (Part I)

Chong Shao, Daniel Shih

On today's show, Chong and Dan are unleashed. Using the 2020 US election as a launching point, we finally get to the topic that has dominated political discussion and general consciousness over the past four years - Donald Trump.

We start by recapping what happened in the election and how to interpret the results. We then address the question that has been on everyone’s minds: “What’s the deal with Donald Trump?” Despite his apparent flaws, Trump is on track to win 10 million more votes in 2020 compared to 2016.

We think there is a simple, comforting lie and a complex, uncomfortable truth. With great trepidation and in good faith, we delve into the latter in order to better understand Trump and his supporters.

(This is Part I of a longer discussion. See Episode 14 for Part II. Recorded on 14/15 November 2020.)

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Show notes

The 2020 US election (09:22)

  • What happened - the stakes, the process, the results
  • Interpreting what happened
  • A word on questioning the results and "voter fraud"

Exit Polls Point to the Power of White Patriarchy

How independents, Latino voters and Catholics shifted from 2016 and swung states for Biden and Trump

Trump’s Economy Really Was Better Than Obama’s

“Disruptor” of conventional politics (48:59)

  • Trump as the ultimate outsider
  • Even in power, he tried to maintain this status

“Fighter” for back-row America (52:41)

  • People who are struggling and against the elites
  • Psychological and stylistic attraction

Dignity by Chris Arnade

“Champion” of America-first interests (1:01:26)

  • International arena - trade, diplomacy, war
  • Mix of rhetoric and practice

“Republican” standard-bearer (1:04:02)

  • Republicans vote for the Republican ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • Explains the consistency of his support

“Enemy of the Left” (1:07:20)

  • A bulwark against progressivism - for Christians and non-Christians alike
  • A word on minority groups and why the Left shouldn't take their support for granted

LatinX-plaining the election

Immigrants and the American Dream

“Ally” of the religious right (1:25:49)

  • Trump has delivered, transactionally speaking
  • Folk Christianity and Trump worship

Christian Conservatives Respond to Trump’s Loss and Look Ahead